Introduce your sound to the world with Archodia Play for Artists. Find the tools you need to release, promote, and measure performance statistics. Earn a 2x streaming revenue.

Release it. Promote it. Maximize Streaming Revenue.

Archodia Music For Artists

Claim your Artist Profile and take control of your music.

Manage your music

Create an account to manage your music from anywhere, with any device. Update your music and Artist info, keep your tour dates in sync. Let your fans & followers know that it is you with a verified artist badge.

Promote your music with Spotlight by Archodia for growth.

Maximize your streaming revenue with Spotlight Play.

Share your music for free. Upload your new releases if they are not already on Archodia Music.

Personalize your artist page. Keep your bio and photos up to date.

Get to know your fans. Manage interactions with your audicence and learn where they are listening from.

Measure your stats with Artist Insights and customized BioLinks. Learn how your music is performing with live analytical reports. See what songs are streamed, and favored the most. Make tour decisions based on your analytics reports, and engage with your fans.

Spotlight by Archodia

Promote and boost unlimited content discovery — Let your fans find your music with Spotlight Play! Maximize your reach with Music Promotion & Discovery.

Music lovers will find your new releases first!

Claim your Artist Profile

START NOW Take control of your music on Archodia

Your Music. Your Brand.

Let us mould your music and brand inTO one!

While you focus on building your music journey, let Archodia help you launch and manage your new website to foster your online music presence with the Archodia Music API.

Free for all Archodia Spotlight Plus annual first time subscribers!

Free domain and web hosting

Your own personalized email address

Website maintenance and management

Own a website already? No worries, we will manage it for you!

Artist focus